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Dutch regional stamps about railways
Dates of Issue:
1984 1985 1986 1986?? 1987 17-09-1993 24-09-1993 ? - 1997 25-09-1998 02-01-2001 02-01-2002
18-02-2003 ? -11-2004 2007 (1) 2007 (2) 2007 (3) 2007 (4) 2009 2012 2013

25-05-1984: Dordrecht city mail service

The stamp shows Dordrecht Railway station, commemorating its 111 years existence.

Designers: ?
print: ?
Glue: ?
paper: ?
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamp; Dordrecht 1984

1985: Spijkenisse city mail service

Three stamps forming the word Metro together. Spijkenisse is a burough near Rotterdam and is connected with this neighbouring town by light rail.

Designers: ?
print: ?
Glue: ?
paper: ?
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamp; Spijkenisse 1985

1986: Private postal service from Maastricht, the capital of the Dutch province of Limburg

A Maastricht private mail service's stamp showing the state mine Emma in the province of Limburg. The Staatsmijn Emma was a Dutch coal mine located in Treebeek, now part of the town of Brunssum, and Hoensbroek, now part of Heerlen. The mine was in operation from 1911 till 1973.

Designers: ?
print: ?
Glue: ?
paper: ?
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamp; Maastricht 1986

The Netherlands regional stamp; Maastricht 1986

1986: Overprint: Private postal service from Oss

Two Maastricht private mail service's stamps showing a mine scene in the province of Limburg, overprinted for the town of Oss in the province of North-Brabant.

Designers: ?
print: ?
Glue: ?
paper: ?
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamp; Oss 1986 The Netherlands regional stamp; Oss 1986

1986??: Private postal service from Rotterdam

This stamp shows "De Hef". De Hef is the popular name of the Koningshaven bridge, a railroad lift that has been out of service since 24 September 1993 over the Koningshaven in Rotterdam. The bridge formed part of the Breda - Rotterdam railway line.

Designers: ?
print: ?
Glue: ?
paper: ?
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamp; Rotterdam 1986??

1987: Postal Service of the city of Apeldoorn.

Drawing of a steam train.

Designers: ?
Issued in a set of 4 stamps
Value: 35 cents

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamp; Apeldoorn 1987

17-09-1993: Zwaagwesteinde railway bridge with Shallows Runner ("wadloper") - matt
(regional mail delivery service)

Regio-post Noord-Oost Friesland, a regional mail service in north-eastern Frisia, issued a sheet of 10 stamps, the last of which shows a railway related topic: a railway bridge with Shallows Runner (Dutch: wadloper) at Zwaagwesteinde.
This sheet has a matt finish.

Designers: ?
Sheets of 2 x 5 stamps
Value: 50 cents
Perforation: stitched

No entry in official catalogue.
Regiopost stamp number 55 on sheet number V34.
Regiopost was incorporated in FRL-post:

The Netherlands regional stamp; regiopost Friesland 1983

The Netherlands regional stamps; regiopost Friesland 1983

24-09-1993: Zwaagwesteinde railway bridge with Shallows Runner ("wadloper") - glossy
(regional mail delivery service)

Regio-post Noord-Oost Friesland, a regional mail service in north-eastern Frisia, issued a sheet of 10 stamps, the last of which shows a railway related topic: a railway bridge with Shallows Runner (Dutch: wadloper) at Zwaagwesteinde.
The difference between this sheet and the previous one (dated: 17-09-1993) is that this one has a glossy finish.

Designers: ?
Sheets of 2 x 5 stamps
Value: 50 cents
Perforation: stitched

No entry in official catalogue.
Regiopost stamp number 67 on sheet number V37.
Regiopost was incorporated in FRL-post:

The Netherlands regional stamp; regiopost Friesland 1983

The Netherlands regional stamps; regiopost Friesland 1983

? - 1997: Leeuwarden Station
(regional mail delivery service).

On a sheet of 2 x 5 stamps, an emission by Frisia's rural and urban mail service, you can see the fountain in front of Leeuwarden Station with a Shallow Runner waiting to take in passengers. It's an unofficial emission. Not done by our royal Mail. Only valid in the province of Frisia (Friesland)

Designers: ?
print: ?
paper: ?
Sheets of 2 x 5 stamps.
Perforation: ?
Watermark: probably not
Value: 50 cents
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue. More information at

The Netherlands regional stamps; regiopost Friesland 1997

25-09-1998: Sheet of Dutch locos
(regional mail delivery service).

On the occasion of the realisation of a second track from Grijpskerk to Veenwouden "Regiopost Noord-Oost Friesland", a private mail delivery service, designed a sheet of 10 stamps in co-operation with "NS Railinfrabeheer". This regional mail service is only active in the north-eastern region of The Netherlands. Because of the double track a train trip from Groningen to Leeuwarden (54 kilometres) will only take 35 minutes. When updating the track also two thirds of the level crossings disappeared and a number of tunnels was built. From now on service will be run with "Buffalo" (Buffel) trains.
The stamps show the equipment with which was run in former years. From 1863 till 1953 the steam locomotive was in service. From 1953 till 1982 the "Blue Angel" (Blauwe Engel) was a familiar guest. After that came the "Shallows Runner" (Wadloper), which ran services throughout the north of The Netherlands. From 1960 Plan U trains, also called "Dog's Head" (Hondekop) were in service. And from now on we'll see more of the "Buffalo" (Buffel).

Designers: ?
paper: ?
Sheets of 2 x 5 stamps with synthetic gum.
Perforation: ?
No watermark
Value: 50 cents
Circulation: ?

They will probably not appear in official catalogues.
Regiopost stamp numbers 198-207 on sheet number V73.
Regiopost was incorporated in FRL-post:

The Netherlands regional stamp; regiopost Friesland 1998

The Netherlands regional stamp; regiopost Friesland 1998

The Netherlands regional stamp; regiopost Friesland 1998

The Netherlands regional stamp; regiopost Friesland 1998

The Netherlands regional stamp; regiopost Friesland 1998

The Netherlands regional stamps; regiopost Friesland 1998

02-01-2001: Zwaagwesteinde railway bridge with Shallows Runner ("wadloper")
(regional mail delivery service)

A sheet which was issued before in 1993 has been revalued. It shows a railway bridge with Shallows Runner (Dutch: wadloper) at Zwaagwesteinde.
This time there are two sheets: one stitched and one with perforation 11:11.

Designers: ?
Sheets of 2 x 5 stamps
Value: 60 cents
Perforation: stitched or 11:11

No entry in official catalogue.
Regiopost stamp number 299 on sheet number V82 and number 309 on sheet V83.
Regiopost was incorporated in FRL-post:

The Netherlands regional stamps; regiopost Friesland 2001

The Netherlands regional stamps; regiopost Friesland 2001

02-01-2002: Locomotive at the Railway Museum in Waterhuizen in the province of Groningen/

The Railway Museum Waterhuizen was a railway museum in the Groningen village of Waterhuizen, close to the city of Groningen. The museum was the initiative of Riekje Buivenga-Arends, and is located in and around a former blockkeeper's house located along the Staatsspoorlijn B, Groningen - Nieuweschans (near Waterhuizen Connection where the connecting curve from Onnen (Meppel - Groningen railway) connects). The house now has a monumental status at Waterhuizen 4, where the founder also lived. In the garden you can see an original piece of track with (parts of) various trains: the Mat '54 (nickname: Hondekop), a DE-2 (better known as Blauwe Engel), a shunting locomotive (Sik 354) and 3 wagons. There is also a fully equipped emergency station. In the house you can see, among other things, the block device of the Waterhuizen block post, in addition to an extensive collection of clothing, signs and all kinds of other things that have to do with trains and railway traffic. Due to serious health problems, the museum is closed as of January 1, 2014, except once a year on Heritage Day. Owner Riekje passed away on February 6, 2014. Her husband and son have indicated that they want to keep the collection intact and open it to interested parties on Heritage Day.

Designers: ?
Sheets of 2 x 5 stamps
Value: 60 cents
Perforation: stitched or 11:11

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamps; regiopost Groningen 2002

18-02-2003: S.T.A.R. museum railway sheet by the Regional Postal Service of East Drenthe.
(regional mail delivery service)

The private Regional Mail Service of East Drenthe (Regiopost O.Drenthe) issued a sheet with 2x5 0,25 EURO stamps for their own service, showing one of the STAR steamlocos (Emma, built by: Kraus-Maffei, 1936), a diesel (Number: 12, built by: MaK, 1955 and formerly owned by Wittlager Kreisbahn (as DL-1)), another steam loco (Anna, built by: Krupp, 1953 and formerly owned by EBV, Alsdorf) and their station building. STAR stands for "Stichting Stadskanaal Rail" (Stadskanaal Rail Foundation - Stadskanaal is a town in the province of Groningen, bordering on the Eastern part of the province of Drenthe). STAR provides steam train rides through the peat colonies of Groningen, leaving from Stadskanaal. More information from

Designers: ?
print: Offset, Comprint, Noorderstraat , Sappemeer
sheet size: 105/145 mm
paper: ?
Perforation: wavy line
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.
More information at Stadskanaal Rail Museum.

The Netherlands regional stamps; Regional Postal Service of East Drenthe 2003 STAR museum
12 x 0,25 Euro

The Netherlands regional stamp; Regional Postal Service of East Drenthe 2003 STAR museum

The Netherlands regional stamp; Regional Postal Service of East Drenthe 2003 STAR museum

The Netherlands regional stamp; Regional Postal Service of East Drenthe 2003 STAR museum

The Netherlands regional stamp; Regional Postal Service of East Drenthe 2003 STAR museum

The Netherlands regional stamp; Regional Postal Service of East Drenthe 2003 STAR museum

November 2004 Regiopost sheet
(regional mail delivery service)

Another appropriate Regiopost sheet was issued for the seasonal mail. One of the stamps shows a Shallows Runner on the so-called Veenwoudsterwal.

Designers: ?
print: ?
sheet size: 104/140 mm
paper: ?
Perforation: punched
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.
Regiopost was incorporated in FRL-post:

The Netherlands regional stamp; Regiopost Friesland 2004

The Netherlands regional stamps; Regiopost Friesland 2004

2007: Metropost Deventer - Zutphen
(regional mail delivery service)

The private Regional Mail Service of Deventer - Zutphen (Overijsel) issued a sheet with 2x5 0,29 EURO stamps for their own service, The sheet shows images of railway subjects in the area in present and past.

Designers: ?
print: ?
sheet size: 100/135 mm
paper: ?
Perforation: punched
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamp; metropost Deventer 2007

2007: SelectPost Almere - Lelystad
(regional mail delivery service)

The private Regional Mail Service of Almere and Lelystad (Flevoland) issued a sheet with 4 stamps of 55, 65, 100, 130 eurocents for their own service. The sheet shows images of railway subjects in the area.

Designers: ?
print: ?
sheet size: 100/135 mm
paper: ?
Perforation: punched
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamps; SelectPost Almere 2007

2007: SelectPost Zaandam
(regional mail delivery service)

The private Regional Mail Service of Zaandam (North Holland) issued ten stamps of 30 and 60 eurocents for their own service. The stamps show two locomotives and freight waggons.

Designers: ?
print: ?
Glue: ?
paper: ?
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamps; SelectPost Zaandam 2007

The Netherlands regional stamps; SelectPost Zaandam 2007

The Netherlands regional stamps; SelectPost Zaandam 2007

The Netherlands regional stamps; SelectPost Zaandam 2007

year 2007: FRL (regional mail delivery service in Friesland)

The private Regional Mail Service of Friesland, based in Leeuwarden issued a sheet of 10 stamps of 32 eurocents for their own service. The fourth stamp shows a display at the National Model Railway Museum in Sneek.

Designers: ?
print: ?
Glue: ?
paper: ?
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.
More information at FRL
and at the National Model Railway Museum

The Netherlands regional stamps; FRL Friesland

2009: Regiopost (regional mail delivery service in Friesland)

SPURT near Buitenpost.
Spurt is the Dutch name of the railway equipment of Arriva, the GTW trainsets of the Swiss manufacturer Stadler Rail. There are diesel-electric and electric variants. Spurts drive for Arriva in the Achterhoek, the Rivierenland region, on the Vechtdallines (Zwolle-Emmen) and the Northern Nevenlines. For Qbuzz they drive on the MerwedeLinge line.
The trainsets have an entry at platform height. It connects well to the platform thanks to an extending step, so that wheelchair users can travel independently. The floor is higher above the bogies; there is a step. Some trains have a closed system toilet that is wheelchair accessible; others have no toilet. Social safety is increased with cameras and emergency buttons.
The Spurt has an unusual layout. It consists of a two-axle railcar, also called Powerpack, with carriages on either side. The carriages have a bogie at one end, the other side rests on the power car (or an intermediate carriage). There is a walkway in the middle of the railcar.

Designers: ?
print: ?
Glue: ?
paper: ?
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamp; Regiopost Friesland 2009

The Netherlands regional stamp; Regiopost Friesland 2009

10 September 2012: Europost (regional mail delivery service)

Europost private mail service issued three sheets with stamps showing Dutch trains and one with foreign trains.

Designers: ?
print: ?
Glue: ?
paper: ?
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.

The Netherlands regional stamp; Europost 2012

The Netherlands regional stamp; Europost 2012

The Netherlands regional stamp; Europost 2012

The Netherlands regional stamp; Europost 2012

2013: FRL (regional mail delivery service in Friesland)

The private Regional Mail Service of Friesland, based in Leeuwarden issued a sheet of 10 stamps of 40 eurocents for their own service. One of them shows Wolvega railway station, a type 4 class building in neo-classical style.

Designers: ?
print: ?
Glue: ?
paper: ?
Circulation: ?

No entry in official catalogue.
More information at FRL.

The Netherlands regional stamp; FRL Friesland 2013

last update was on 26-03-2023

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