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Dutch postal stationery about railways

Postcards, railway letters, freight letters, magazine cards.

railway letters
examples of railway letters
railway letter for the press
example of a railway letter for the press
freight letter
examples of freight letters / way bills
postcards with a notice
delivery notices
bills for transportation of goods
early delivery notice cards
railway related envelopes and cards
examples railway related envelopes and card
magazine card
magazine cards 2022

16-09-1978: postcard commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Zutphen-Winterswijk line.

The Hollandsche Spoorweg Matschappij (HSM) built the Oosterspoorweg connecting Amsterdam with Zutphen between 1870 and 1876. In line with this, the Nederlandsch-Westfalsche Spoorweg-Maatschappij is constructing the Zutphen – Winterswijk – Borken – Gelsenkirchen railway line. The railway line is operated by the HSM and is of great importance for coal transport from the Ruhr area.

Dutch postcard railway related   Dutch postcard railway related

25-10-1999: postcard.

A series of five postcards was issued by Royal Dutch Mail in the "Twentieth Century" series and was called The Age of Transport. These postcards were not available at ordinary post offices, but they could be obtained from "Collect Club" in Groningen and The Communication Museum in The Hague as a set of five for four guilders.

Dutch postcard 1999 millennium series

Designer: Richard Sluijs
print: Offset
paper: --
Perforation: --
Watermark: --
Circulation: 30,000

01-06-1996: postcard with Thalys cancel.

A postcard of the Belgian Mail Service shows a cancel with Thalys, the train which runs from Amsterdam to Paris.

Belgian postcard 1996-Thalys cancellation stamp

14-10-2005: four postcards with locomotives.

Apart from a set of stamps and a sheet (see: ordinary stamps from the main menu) TPG Post issued a set of four postcards with similar designs as the stamps. At the back they are imprinted with a stamp of the same design.

Dutch postcard, 2005, locomotive

Dutch postcard, 2005, locomotive

Dutch postcard, 2005, locomotive

Dutch postcard, 2005, locomotive

Dutch postcards, 2005, locomotives

Designer: Kummer & Herrman
print: Offset
paper: --
Perforation: --
Watermark: --
Circulation: 25,000 each

railway letters

These are examples of railway letters. From 1924 up to 1979 journalists used special envelopes to send their messages to their newspapers. The letter could be handed to a conductor or train driver of a train at the point of leaving the station.

For other railway letters applied the rule that the special railway stamp should be applied on the back of the postcard or envelope. Here it was stuck on the front. Nevertheless this postcard reached its destination without extra charges.

As faxing became more and more popular this service was cancelled in 1979.

Dutch railway letter Dutch railway letter

Dutch railway letter Dutch railway letter

Dutch railway letter Dutch railway letter

Dutch railway letter Dutch railway letter

Dutch railway letter Dutch railway letter

Dutch railway letter Dutch railway letter

Dutch railway letter Dutch railway letter

Dutch railway letter

Dutch railway letter

The envelope below shows how railway letter stamps had to be used: stuck at the back.

railway letter for the press

After the Second World War the Dutch Railways introduced press railway letters. Press and editorial offices may have the train letters intended for them collected at the station after the arrival of the trains. The persons charged with this must be provided with proof of identity. If the persons authorized to collect are not present, the documents will be handed over to the postal service by the Dutch Railways.
The chief conductor is also responsible for the care of the train letter for the direct dispatch of train letters for the press — delivery to the train by the sender and collection at the train by the addressee. The press train letter can also be sent on Sundays and public holidays. In that case, two train letter stamps must be affixed.

railway letter for the press

railway letter for the press
Railway letter for the press with control seal, reading:
free of postage due to license number -- dated -- from the central management of the PTT.









freight letters

This is an example of a freight letter for fast delivery. Such a piece of paper accompanied the goods travelling by train. A railway letter stamp should be applied.

Dutch railway postcard

Ordinary freight letters look like these. Alternately front and back are shown:

The first is a freight letter of the State Railways (Staatsspoorwegen) from 1914 on the trajectory Ede - The Hague.

Dutch freight letter/way bill

Dutch freight letter/way bill

The second is a freight letter of the State Railways (Staatsspoorwegen) from 1909 on the trajectory Almelo - The Hague.

Dutch freight letter/way bill

Dutch freight letter/way bill

And the third is a freight letter of Dutch Railwayd (NS: Nederlandsche Spoorwegen) from 1927 on the trajectory Zwolle - Hasselt (in Belgium)

Dutch freight letter/way bill

Dutch freight letter/way bill

Dutch freight letter/way bill
Freight letter by the Gooise Steam Tram Company.

Dutch freight letter/way bill

Dutch freight letter/way bill
Freight letter by the HIJSM, Hollandsche IJzeren Spoorweg Maatschappij (Dutch Iron Railway Company), from Hoorn to The Hague in 1909.

examples of postcards with delivery notice

These are examples of postcards telling a person that his goods have been delivered and can be collected at the station. Alternately front and back of the cards are shown below.

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

examples of bills for transportation of goods

These postcards inform the recipient of the amount he has to pay for the transportation of his goods by rail. A specification is written on the back.

Dutch postcard with bill for transport Dutch postcard with bill for transport

Dutch postcard with bill for transport Dutch postcard with bill for transport

Dutch postcard with bill for transport Dutch postcard with bill for transport

Dutch postcard with bill for transport Dutch postcard with bill for transport

Dutch postcard with bill for transport Dutch postcard with bill for transport

examples of the earliest postcards with delivery notice

The one below is from The Dutch Iron Railway Company "De Hollandsche Ijzeren Spoorwegmaatschappij", issued in 1897, back and front.

Dutch postcard with delivery notice Dutch postcard with delivery notice

example of a railway related envelope

This envelope of Scheltema publishing house, shows an advertisement for one of their railway books at the bottom. The second envelope is by the Walcheren Stream Tram Company. The card below is an example of advertising the railway letters.

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related card

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

railway related envelope

2022 magazine cards

The first magazine card with a railway subject is from January 2022. It came with the Dutch stamp magazine Filatelie and shows a letterbox on a tram.

Dutch magazine card 2022, letterbox on tram

The second magazine card with a railway subject is from May 2022. It also came with the Dutch stamp magazine Filatelie and shows motorpost tarin number 3031.

Dutch magazine card 2022, motorpost 3031

Latest update on 11-07-2024.

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